It was dark, chilly and threatened rain all day, but we were out an about through most of it. It was a laundry and errands day, so while the wash was washing, I hiked over to Root Cellar to pick up a sale chicken to roast. I expected to see a lot of deer, but didn't see any. Instead, I was treated to birdsong all along the footpath behind St. Anne's.
Once the laundry was hung out, we got in a car and made a wide loop for groceries and crafts. The highlight was the Oaklands Kid's Craft Market. Oaklands seems to be the incubator for entrepreneurial children and the hall was full of crafters, bakers, knitters and more. We bought a ton -- gotta support the youth.
Coming out from the market, the skies lightened and I even felt a bit of sunshine for a few wonderful minutes. I stopped, breathed, and noticed some birds chirping in the schoolyard. It's neat what you can hear when you lower your shoulders a bit.
We were out for just under three hours, but it's a good reminder that people go out in this weather. I need to avoid shutting myself in during the grey season. There's lots to do and see. If I stayed in today, I would have missed an excellent little market and not seen this amazing truck!

The perfect 21st century truck