My walks today were all about running errands. Along Wharf Street mid-afternoon where I eventually stocked up on craft soda from Phillips Brewery, then wove my way back and forth around Market Square and Lower Johnson to see what stores have changed. Vintage clothing stores seem to be taking over. I guess it's better than souvenir t-shirt shops but it's striking to see who can afford rents these days. Not the small restaurants and curiosity shops, that's for sure.
After supper I was off again, this time to the Rexall for some lozenges. Cindy's cold is getting better, but I fear she gave it to me so we're both nursing sore throats today. The sun is setting earlier and earlier, around 7:30PM today, so I walked home along Wharf Street to watch the sun set over Inner Harbour.
There's at least one cruise ship in port, so it was packed with folks in front of the Empress. Tough walking through all the selfies in the Golden Hour.
I stopped for a picture too, back across the harbour towards James Bay. The cruise ships are the largest buildings along the horizon. Jeepers. What an environmental disaster. I don't think the ship is only in port for 4 hours or so. It's such a waste.
