I walked to the bus before 9am on a cool and sunny, fall-like morning. One of those mornings where you definitely need a sweater before 9am but will be putting it in your pack by 11. I went to my first stamp club 'muffin break' for over a month, then walked half way home to meet Cindy in Quadra Village to pick up a few things and then walk the rest of the way home together.
The weather may have that fall-like feel but you wouldn't know it by looking at the plants. They are as big and strong as ever. One particular planting at the recreation centre stopped me in my tracks. The planting around a central palm tree were massive and I'm certain it's all this year's growth. I don't think it's planted on a huge mound of earth; it must be very large plants. I will pursue this more at next week's meetup.