Another heavy work day. I spent the day working on a website until 3pm when I screamed in frustration and asked Cindy to come for a walk. We set course to [For Good Measure] on Niagara Street for some fresh peanut butter, with a detour through Beacon Hill Park. On sunny summer days, all good paths pass through Beacon Hill Park.
The flower beds are filling in around the sundial, but we noticed that these annual beds are certainly designed differently than the English gardens they try to duplicate. Even though the beds curve gently along a paved path, the flowers are planted in straight rows. The effect is you get a wandering row of geraniums, then a parallel wandering row of impatiens, then a parallel row of another flower, meandering along for several hundred feet. I was yearning for a jumble of colour.
The formal rose garden is in full bloom and bursting with colour. Monty would be chastising the gardeners for not dead-heading the spent roses and encouraging more blooms, but still, it's an impressive space. This isn't a TV show, after all.
The highlight of the month, if not the summer, was spotting a peahen escorting a tiny chick across the road. It was the smallest peacock chick I have ever seen and neither mother nor baby was in any hurry to cross the road. They backed up cars for a long few minutes, allowing me time to get into position to snap some photos. We watched them for a very long time before dragging ourselves to the store.

One more highlight on the way to the store was stumbling across two deer in an apartment building garden on Douglas Street. They were both young bucks and seemed to especially enjoy eating the daisies.