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I need to start watching more Charlie Rose

I don't really watch much TV and I watch even less current affairs but lately I keep been pointing me to the Charlie Rose show.   Now there's a fellow who understands how the Web works.  Or at least he seems extremely interested.

Case in point:  Mitch Joel is really digging into how traditional print media is dying due to the changes brought about by the Web.  He pointed me to a recent Charlie Rose episode with the CEO of the Associated Press and Arianna Huffington, where they describe to wildy different futures for journalism and aggregators of journalism.

My favorite Charlie Rose episode is an interview with Marc Andreessen that aired in February.  It's a rapid fire hour where Marc talks about where the Web is at and where it's going.

Thanks to Mitch Joel for pointing me to the Andreeson interview too.  Maybe if you don't have time to watch Charlie Rose, you should just go read Mitch's blog.  He'll let you know the best stuff to watch!

[Damn! I can't get any consistency with the embedded video. Sorry about that. Check the link to the Charlie Rose site for a larger view]