One of Teisha's desserts
It’s been a decade long loop in the bread and pastry world for Teisha Huff. After leaving Calgary. Alberta straight after baking school to dive into great bread, killer sourdough doughnuts and even some ice cream in Saskatchewan, Teisha is back home for a new challenge. She traded bakers hours for restaurant life, dough tubs for composed desserts.
In this episode, we talk about how Teisha overcame the fear of doing something completely different and dove into the custom dessert game, accepting the role of Head Pastry Chef at Calgary’s new fine dining hot spot, Fortuna’s Row . We talk about the different rhythms at the restaurant compared to the bakery, the thrill of getting immediate feedback from guests and we play a hilarious game of ‘what should dessert be? ‘
It’s a fun chat, from start to finish, with Cindy making a guest appearance too. Listen below or over at riseuppod.com