Lieschen Moller has a busy career in the health care field, but bread baking has her in its gluten-y tentacles. Last year, she started Lizzy's Bakehouse, a cottage microbakery that is making awesome bread for her subscription customers.
I met Lieschen through Jeff McCarthy (Episode 43), so it seems that both the home microbaker network and the Rofco Oven Nation has me in their gluten-y tentacles as well.

Photo of Lieschen via [@cookingwithbutter]( on Instagram
This was a great talk, not just because of Lieschen’s passion for baking (which she has) and her many connections to the California baker scene (which she also has). It was awesome because even though Lieschen is working two jobs and doing each very well, she’s always looking for ways to make things a little better and a little more efficient. I love that.
She’s also got a remarkable story of the importance bread has played in her life, which I almost forgot to ask about! So don’t miss that bit either.
We also get into our shared love/hate relationship with social media, although I think I’m more on the ‘hate’ side than Lieschen is. I think it’s because she takes much better photos than I do.
All in all, this is a very enjoyable episode for me. I hope you like it too. You can listen via the show page, your favourite podcast app, or via the player below. (note that the player doesn’t appear in emails!)
Got a favourite baker that I need to talk to? Let me know in the comments!