Photo via [this awesome article about Amber](https://www.businessinsider.com/maineland-how-a-mill-helped-revitalize-skowhegan-maine-2016-10) in Business Insider.
I met Amber Lambke back in May at the awesome Taste of Grain gathering in Montreal. She gave an excellent talk that left me full of questions so I weaselled my way into sitting at her table during the awesome meal after the day.
I learned so much during that dinner that I wanted to share with you, but then figured it would be better if you heard it straight from Amber. So I’m thrilled she agreed to come on the show.
When Amber moved to Skowhegan, Maine, her new community needed help. She dug in with the community, discovered the many assets they had and eventually formed the Maine Grain Alliance (organizers of the renowned Kneading Conference) and started the Maine Grains mill too.
Now, Skowhegan is known around the world as a community that turned itself around by embracing their history as a grain producer.
So we talk about all that and more. The asset finding exercise, the Alliance, the mill and more. And I pester her constantly to learn more about what it really means to discover a community’s assets and how other communities around the world can do the same thing.
You can listen to this episode on your favourite podcast app, from the Rise Up! website or using the handy audio player below (here if you’re reading this on email.) Enjoy the show!