One of the biggest impediments to building a successful bakery business is a lack of professional help. More specifically, a lack of affordable professional help. Lisa Arnold's company Small Town Startup has cracked the code on this, however. She's found a winning formula that brings coaching, marketing, business incubator services and more to small businesses in her hometown of Springfield, Tennessee. By offering several tiers of products, even the smallest bakery can get the help they need to evolve and grow.
When a colleague on Bakers4Bakers said Lisa was her coach, I had to learn more. I'm so glad Lisa and I were able to talk about her passion for Springfield, how she is able to be a connector in the community, how she dealt with all the self doubt and second guessing that goes into bringing something new to the town, and how she's partnered with larger, more established organizations in town to serve 'her people' the best way possible.
We even got into how her model can be replicated in towns across the country, but not by Lisa. 😊
It's a fun conversation and I'm so glad I get to share it with you.