What more can I say about Nate? I talk about him a lot and think about him every day.
I met Nate on the first day of Wheatstalk in Rhode Island in 2018, in the lobby of the hotel we were staying at. I needed a lift to the conference venue and there was this tall, lanky fellow in with a floury cycling cap. Clearly a baker.
We shared a lift to the venue, then ran into each other towards the end of the day. On a whim, I asked whether he wanted to get some supper together. Or maybe he asked me. I can't remember for sure.
What I CAN remember is that we one of the classic dinners, talking for hours about our dreams, our bakeries, the challenges and those things that make the hard work worth it.
We've stayed connected ever since. When I launched Bakers4Bakers the following year, Nate was one of people I designed it for and he's been part of the community there since Day 1. And we Zoom at least once a month to listen and offer support to whatever schemes we're hatching or trying to keep afloat.
Nate's bakery, Brake Bread, just celebrated their 6th anniversary and they did it up in style Full on party combining all of Nate's passions - great food, music, bikes and the funny. Lots of laughs for sure.
Nate was on the 5th ever episode of Rise Up!, in early 2018 and his energy and thoughfulness came through clear as a bell. You're going to love this talk. Listen below or over at riseuppod.com