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Short Notice Baking

Hi Everyone,

My apologies for the late notice of this week's baking features. It's been crazy around here since last Thursday when we headed out to Ben's soccer game in Moose Jaw. We were flying around like that crazy wind and didn't slow down during the rain over the weekend. We haven't slowed down yet -- that comes sometime on Wednesday. Wednesday's calm will give us all the energy we need to gear up for Friday baking!

This week we start our 4-5 week cycle again with two old favorites:

#1: Saskatchewan Sourdough (Pain au Levain) Don’t be put off by the “sourdough” in the name — our loaf has a robust taste with just the slightest yogurty tang.

  • Saskatchewan Sourdough, 600G loaf, $3.50

#2: Orange Boot Birdseed Bread: A very popular multigrain loaf with roasted sunflower and sesame seeds, rolled oats and flax seeds. Great for toast, sandwiches, stews and soups.

  • Orange Boot Birdseed, 600g loaf, $4.00

===== So what else is new? =====

Hmmm...let's see. We're reaching the end of the 'test marketing' phase of our journey to a real bakery. Your patronage and constructive feedback has helped us so much over the past 8 months -- you've given us the confidence to take the Orange Boot to the next level. Sooner or later we're going to need to focus on expanding, although we're still not quite sure what the next step is.

I'm heading off to Edmonton next week for a seminar on Preferments put on by the Bread Baker's Guild of America. It's the first class of its type offered in Canada so I can't pass it up. The best news is that one of the instructors is Tracey Muzzolini, who is co-owner of Christie's Mayfair Bakery in Saskatoon. We're all huge fans of Christie's and I intend to get as much information and advice from Tracey as I possibly can. I really hope this week will help us define the next step for the Orange Boot.

Best wishes this week!