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Friday August 16, 2024 - Saskatchewan

We went to Regina to visit family from August 15 - 25. Visiting family is fun but it means I wasn't keeping my online diary up to date. So this post was actually written in late September, from my extremely sketchy notes. I debated whether to fill in these gaps. I guess you know my decision now.

Spent the day in Moose Jaw, visiting dad at the care home twice. The best place to sit with him is outside in the garden, in the shade of an elm tree. It's a hot, heavily hazy day.

We checked out the container garden Wanda and I planted for him in June. The tomatoes are dead and gone but the tomatoes struggle on. They aren't getting enough water. Although one of the plants is full of tomatoes, 100% of them with blossom end rot, so I guess they got dried out then deep soaked. I don't feel so badly about my tomatoes at home now.

The rest of the resident's garden looks pretty good though. Good for the prairies, which means small, windswept and drying out. I suspect the volunteers who tend the garden didn't know if they should water the new containers. Next year it will be better.

Oh, and the 'beefsteak' tomato plant I bought for Dad is actually a dwarf cherry. Oh well.