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Friday July 19, 2024

We didn't have much time with Ben and Laura before they had to get ready for their wedding reception, so we took them out to Goodside Pastry House for the good stuff. Curtis and Lana was super gracious hosts and let me brag to them about Ben and let me brag about Goodside to Ben.

Then it was a brief stroll downtown so they could buy a greeting card and they headed out to the reception. It's strange to have your son come all the way from Scotland and only get to see him for a few short hours, but that's the way it is this time.

In the evening, Cindy and I took a stroll out to James Bay to look at tourists and flowers and whatever wildlife we could find. We saw a squirrel take a long leap from the sidewalk to a tree trunk and noticed our friend Leah from Regina was watching the same squirrel. We've had many chance meetings with Leah and her mom over the years and they always soothe the soul. Today was no different. She felt she needed to see us to help her feel better about life and I sure felt better seeing her. Just what we needed.

As if that wasn't enough of a sign that things will work out, we saw two herons flying overhead as we got close to home. They are such strange, majestic birds and I'm convinced they portend good news.