It was a warm, sunny day, but with enough wind to batter the plants. I got all my work done in the morning and then headed out after lunch. I've been craving the ocean for a few days so headed to Dallas Road to sit along Holland point.
It was cloudy across the strait so the mountains were in fog, but there were plenty of boats out. Big containers escorted by tugboats, Coast Guard ships, and today the rare sight of several schooners in full sail. They sailboats were a delight to watch and a big contrast to the huge modern ships.

a contrast of time and materials
The best part of the walk, possibly of the week, was walking along Dallas Road, wind at my back, listening to my tunes, when just as a crunching guitar solo began, a squadron of seven turkey vultures rose up from behind an apartment tower. It was like the choppers in Apocalypse Now. They didn't move their bodies but just rose higher and higher in the skies, riding the air currents.
By the time I turned for home, there were over two dozen of the large birds, gliding about in a columns, like debris in a tornado. What a show.

small pockets of fall colour