Woke up early and groggy, to a cool, cloudy morning. A quick survey of the garden shows 100% healthy plants; the house sitters did a great job of nursing them along. The lettuces in 2" pots could use transplanting but I don't have space. The gazanias, which are in the lettuces' future home, are massive and blooming, so that own't work. and I have more (green) tomatoes than ever.
Lots of work to do now that we're back home, but I did skip out in the afternoon to walk to the grocery stores. Flowers, flowers everywhere. Such a massive contrast to the barren, dry lawns of Regina. There's something about the wide open spaces on the prairies, and the weather there is very harsh on delicate flowers, but my goodness, I'll take a flower garden over a lawn any day.
PS - I'm still committed to filling in the vacation days, but I'm not sure if I'll add them in order or post a summary.

Cosmos are still going strong

These two gazanias nearly died in a smaller pot and are now taking over