I was running around like a crazy person most of the day, but that's mainly because I wanted to take a longer walk in the afternoon. So I powered through a hike to the grocery store in the morning and then, after lunch, walked out to Cedar Hill for my pottery class.
The walk out is almost all uphill and since I wanted to try the most direct route, I did a lot of climbing. Up Vancouver Street to Pandora, then up Cook Street, where the final few blocks north of Bay Street go straight up. And then even more climbing, along Kiwanis Way for two more blocks, until all around me are streets with 'Vista' in the name. And what a vista it was. I could see the Olympics behind me, and even the snowy peak of Mount Baker well off to the northwest, over the tops of houses. Then it was down, down, the final few blocks to the Rec Centre. This is definitely not the way to get there on a bike
In a sign of the season, I could still see the sky when I left the class at 5:30pm! It was a deep reddish-purple, lighter at the bottom, just after sundown but with Venus glowing bright, signalling where the sun used to be. It was lovely and I kept Venus in sight the entire walk to the bus stop. A little more light every day has me thinking of spring. Steady on, it's only January, but maybe soon?