Cindy gave me a garage sale find last week, a copy of A Nature Diary by Richard Adams. It's an account of his daily walks around the British countryside, with some side travels throughout the year.
The point of the diary is that there is nature to be observed and celebrated no matter where we are. All it takes is noticing.
That sounds good to me. And as it's the first of the month, I'm going to give it a go on my own. So this is my own Nature Diary. I'll leave my other pontifications to the blog posts. 😊
A warm and sunny Canada Day today, so Cindy and I wandered over to Inner Harbour to see what was going on. Thick with people on the Legislature lawn and around the harbour. But even here, I found some new and interesting things.
The main path in front of the Legislature was blocked off for a stage, so we walked through the wings and around back to get from the Government St. side of the lawn to the Menzies St. side. There was some lovely birdsong in the bushes along the western wall of the building and a wonderful little gated rose garden! The garden is shielded from the street by a tall hedge; I've walked past it dozens of times without noticing. But from the building side, there are three wrought iron gates and several benches around the perimeter of this gem of a garden. And since it's sunny and July, the roses are all in bloom.
I wanted to stick my nose into each rose and inhale deeply, but I'm pretty certain I'm allergic to rose pollen. So I kept a respectful distance and focused on the birdsong. I couldn't find the singer, but I'm new at this. I'll try harder tomorrow.