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Monday September 2, 2024

It was Cindy's last day of summer holidays, so even though we had lots of work around the house to do, we made sure to take a long walk in the afternoon. We walked out around Laurel Point and then to the store for the final few items for the week. It was a fine day, cool but sunny.

There was a massive line for the Coho ferry, both walk ons and cars. I suspect it was American tourists heading home for the start of school down south too. Lots of bicycles waiting to go on the ferry; I guess as many folks come here for the cycling as go in the other direction.

Aside from a tiny bit of colour on the trees and cooler evenings, it's still summer, no matter what the school board thinks. So the flowers were in full bloom, seagulls were hanging out in the harbour and plenty of folks were hanging out at the beach along Dallas Road. Nobody in the water though; the tide was coming in and the surf was quite weedy and churned up. You'd need a shower after your swim, for sure.