It was a very busy day with Zoom calls but after a late lunch I headed out to Imagine Cafe near Fisherman's Wharf. There was a Bakery Association of Canada meetup, the first in 18 months, and I was asked to moderate a panel discussion. I don't do this very often, and I have never done it where I can walk to the venue. So today was a real treat.
James Bay is a cool neighbourhood because it is a real mix. Intricate Victorian era homes intermixed with some modern apartment blocks, some 'fixer-uppers' and some houses that should really be knocked down. But the streets are narrow and the front gardens are full of plants. It's lovely and interesting every time.
Today I stopped and took a long look at some bamboo plantings. One planting seemed very young; the bamboo was tall but the golden canes were thin and delicate. Lots of folks plant bamboo here but I've never really noticed it before today. Bamboo is an exotic plant for this prairie boy.
I also saw a new type of dahlia; tiny, tight, deep red flowers. The blooms were maybe 1/3 the size of the typical dahlias I see here. I'm adding it to the massive inventory of my new favourite flower.

golden bamboo

I need a reference pear to show how small these flowers are!