I had to buy a new notebook today but seeing how it was Saturday, we took the long way. Through Beacon Hill Park, then Dallas Road to Moss Street, up Moss Street to the farmer's market, then finally toward downtown and Monk Office Supplies.
We took our time because Cindy was sniffly from the first week of school (kid germs in quantity!) and I wanted to show her all my favourite sights.
We saw several clumps of fall crocuses, which were a delightful, delicate purply-pink. Fall crocuses seem much more delicate than the spring variety, but I think some of that stems from how they poke up after a summer of huge, gaudy blooms in all the other plants. The crocuses remind us of the delicate flowers to come between now and spring's rhododendrons.
It was another day of dead calm seas, with lots of canoes and small fishing boats in the strait. It won't be long before the autumn winds start blowing and the kite surfers take over.
My mind is shifting to melancholy winter mode already. A few cool evenings and early sunsets is all it takes. The only upside is this guarantees a very long autumn season, in my mind anyway.