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Sunday, December 15, 2024

The wind and rain of the past few days has blown over and we woke up to brilliant sunshine. Which means only one thing -- throw your plans out the window and head outside!

We walked over to Root Cellar to buy our Christmas chicken, taking the sunniest possible route. The birds were out in force. I know I call them all sparrows but there are several types that stay over the winter here. Black heads and grey heads and other colours too. It was easy to see their differences as I raised my head up to ol' Sol.

The sun stayed with us all along Cook Street, as we cut back towards the Central Library, and even as we FaceTimed with Robyn while standing against a south facing stone wall. But as we got home we saw rain clouds off in the northern distance. We soaked up all the sun we could. It started to drizzle as we came inside and started our Sunday laundry/cleaning routine.