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Sunday, January 5, 2025

The rain stopped long enough for a proper walk today. Cin is better but still house-bound, so I headed out alone for a solid walk through Beacon Hill Park, along Dallas Road, around Clover Point and Ross Bay, then back home via Fairfield and Cook Street Village.

I wasn't the only one out enjoying a bit of dry. Walkers of all description were out and about, including several joggers and half a million dogs. The skies were still a solid grey until I made it to the water, and saw a narrow strip of gold across the strait, just over the top of the mountains. That's the most I've seen of ol' Sol in a week.

Still, the moisture and now the warmer temperatures is spurring on some growth. Spring bulbs are beginning to shoot green spikes up from the mud. The rhododendron buds are bigger and a different colour from the leaves; they'll be opening soon. And the bamboo, dogwoods and other shrubs are showing off their bark to great effect.

On the walk through Fairfield, I saw my first snowdrops of the year and then, as I crossed onto Howe Street, I saw a rhododendron in bloom! It was in a bare front yard, so may be reacting to building stress, but my goodness the blooms were delightful to see.

the first snowdrops I've seen in 2025, from a front garden in Fairfield, Victoria BC


a small rhododendron bush in bloom, with delicate pink and white flowers, Fairfield, Victoria BC
