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Sunday October 13, 2024

There's cloud in the forecast but it was another sunny day today. After lunch, we set out on an epic bike ride on the Lochside trail, out to Mattick's Farm. I don't ride nearly enough, so the first third of the ride was difficult, but after we took a short rest I found my second wind and enjoyed myself quite a bit.

Lochside trail is fun because so much of it goes through woodland, along lakes and marshes, and on quiet residential streets. The city is all around you but slightly out of view for most of it. We rode for almost three hours in all. Lovely.

The ride back was good but chilly as the sun tucked behind high clouds. We stopped along the trail to pick blackberries. We ate our fill, filled a small tupperware container, and tried unsuccessfully to do all this without getting snagged in brambles.

After supper, we set out again in the dark (! -- rare for us) to pick up a few groceries for Thanksgiving Day. We also stopped by the voting centre to vote in next weekend's provincial election. Gotta love advance polls!

PS - Here's a better picture of the red oak barometer out my front window. This is also how I know where the sun is at as it rises behind us and pokes out between the two apartment buildings.

The mighty oak tree outside my window, glowing red and gold in the morning sunlight

My seasonal barometer, with better lighting