It was a bit of a quiet day today, Cin getting ready for school as I took stock of the garden. Everything is hanging on quite well, which means I'm starting to stress about my spring brocolli. It should really go into a bigger pot soon. And I need space for the spring bulbs.
With that in mind, I picked one tomato clean and pulled the plant. The roots had gone down through the reservoir at the bottom of the pot, so I could barely get it out. But now there's space for one plant. I'll wait a week on the second tomato. It's been cool enough that the fruit will ripen quicker inside, I think.
Here's a few Late September pics of the garden for the record. I'm still stunned by the flowers.

the bulk of my tiny balcony garden

The pepper is healthy, but my goodness the fruit are tiny

I'm surprised this cluster didn't break off