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Thursday August 15, 2024 - Saskatchewan

We went to Regina to visit family from August 15 - 25. Visiting family is fun but it means I wasn't keeping my online diary up to date. So this post was actually written in late September, from my extremely sketchy notes. I debated whether to fill in these gaps. I guess you know my decision now.

We flew to Regina this morning. Arrived at 10:30AM without incident; all incidents were taken up by our luggage (left in Calgary) and our rental car (physical reservation but imaginary vehicles.) By 4PM we had our bags and a borrowed car and were on our way to Moose Jaw.

It was extremely smoky out. Forest fires are raging up north and the winds are bringing the smoke hundreds of miles south. Calgary was the worst. We could barely see downtown from the airport. Heck, we couldn't see to the end of the runway! Regina wasn't as bad but we could smell the smoke in the air and the sky was a consistent golden-brown colour.

Moose Jaw is, well, interesting. Broken down roads, amber skies and nothing but huge trucks clogging the streets makes the whole place look more like Mad Max than Little Chicago. But I'm sure we'll see its charms eventually; during my June visit it was glorious.

a photo out the airplane window, showing grainfields below, but masked with a thick, brown haze from forest fire smoke

the smoke haze is intense