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Thursday August 22, 2024 - Saskatchewan

We went to Regina to visit family from August 15 - 25. Visiting family is fun but it means I wasn't keeping my online diary up to date. So this post was actually written in late September, from my extremely sketchy notes. I debated whether to fill in these gaps. I guess you know my decision now.

We went on our first actual walk of the trip, to AE Wilson Park with the dogs. It was a warm morning and kept warming up quickly, with clear skies and only the slightest breeze. There was just enough breeze to stir up the leaves in the poplar trees, which made a stiff, rustly sound that was ver pleasant. Like a brook rushing over small stones, but drier.

We walked along Wascana Creek for a while. It was full of ducks and I saw many nests along the creek bank. I'm glad Candy didn't let the dogs in the water in that area.

There is a large community garden beside the park so I took a detour to check out the plantings. Huge plots here, with rows of carrots, onions, zucchinis, tomatoes, corn and the like. Plus a few paranoid souls who erected big snow fences around their plots and plastered them with signs admonishing passers by who steal veggies meant for 'The Children.' Yeesh.

Took Robyn to the airport for her flight home to England. Big sadness all around. She needs her own home, for sure, but does it really need to be eight timezones away?

a magical prairie view.  calm water of Wascana Creek with tall grass on each bank and a clear blue sky in the distance. Everything is pancake flat.

Wascana Creek. Big Skies. It's the Prairies.

a cluster of Hungarian partridge along a dirt path, AE Wilson Park, Regina, Saskatchewan

Hungarian partridge, just before they ran into the tall grass