It may have taken me a month, but I finally made it out for a pleasurable walk today, with no errands or odd jobs included. The sun was doing its best to burst through the high clouds as I set off through James Bay towards Dallas Road. Ocean! I saw ocean! I may live five blocks from the sea but it's been ages since I've seen it.
I wandered slowly along Dallas Road, watching the birds and boats. I saw a hummingbird for a fleeting moment along the same stretch of bushes I've seen it several times. I know where a hummingbird hangs out! That's pretty cool.
I haven't lived here long enough to get used to all the plant growth in December. I saw bushes budding out, delicate wildflowers and some absolutely huge mushrooms.
I needed this walk in the worst way. Time to recreate a habit.

December buds

mighty mushroom

Pacific Aster

My app says this is a pot marigold, but it's a wild one.