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Thursday July 11, 2024

I spent the morning upside down in the dentist's chair, while my dentist tried to repair a back tooth and fit a new crown. After that, I was sore and cranky and didn't want to go outside at all, but the day was gorgeous so in the afternoon we walked down to the beach for a sit, a snack and some light reading.

The tide was coming in, so we perched on a log and watched the seagulls splashing about on the rocks just beyond the break water. Much squawking and chatter from the birds, but that's all we saw, really. As much as we imagined seal head, otters or whale fins breaking the water, it was only rocks in low(ish) tide.

We walked home via Beacon Hill Park and I tried out my new plant identifier app. I now know what Nasturtiums, Cape Marguerite, Plumed Cockscomb and Garden Dahlias look like. Or more accurately, I know that the pretty flowers we saw were nasturtiums, cape marguerite, plumed cockscomb and garden dahlias.