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Thursday September 26, 2024

It went from misty to rainy today, but as I had several calls in the morning, I didn't get wet from any of it. On the balcony, the winter broccoli was stressed and starting to get eaten by moths (how they get this high up is a mystery to me) so I bit the bullet and moved them up to their final locations.

There were four plants in the 4 inch pot and it was completely root bound. What remarkable growth in just a few weeks since I brought them home. I picked the two healthiest plants and put one in the big tomato pot (recently vacated) and the second plant went in the lettuce bed.

I had planned to use both tomato pots but there's still a tomato in one. I'll likely clean that pot out on the weekend since the leaves are very yellow and the tomatoes will ripen quicker indoors now. The pot will be repurposed with mini-daffodil bulbs since it's time to plant them and I have no space.

I love the tomato plant but it has such a lean it's blocking off half the garden space. This move will open things up.

I'll keep an eye on the broccoli too. If the moths still attack them, they'll get some row cover for a few weeks. Here's hoping it's not needed.

In the evening, we walked over to Prima Strada for our anniversary dinner. 32 years since I convinced Cindy to marry me, which still surprises me. The animals were out in force to congratulate us. Brown bunnies, squirrels and even songbirds singing us along.

Songbirds are so rare here, even sparrow-song. They must have enjoyed the rain and were singing their gratitude. I'm grateful for their gratitude, if you know what I mean.