Hottest day of the year today, at least in Victoria. It got above 27C so I flitted from tree to tree to catch as much shade as possible, as I took a walk through Beacon Hill Park and a side trip to the store for some eggs.
There was a remarkable number of tourists in the park. I thought that with school in session the tours would be declining, but instead they are just increasing in age. There were six pedi-cabs touring through the park in a group, each carrying four elders. I helped a few people with directions and then found a shady bench to sit and read for a while.
The bench was beside a pond where a group of mother mallards were having a right old splash about. Not making any noise, but lots of flapping, shaking and splashing in the water. I thought they were cooling off from the heat, but then two Canada geese swam slowly past them, and the ducks paid the geese all their attention.
Might they have been trying to shoo the geese away from their nesting or feeding area? I don't speak duck, so I don't know for sure.

Refreshing or defensive?