Nothing scheduled today so I baked some bread for Cindy and as soon as the loaves came out of the oven, set out for a pleasure walk. I went through Beacon Hill Park, as usual. No new flowers to report, but there's still a bit of ice on the pond, even though the picklers were balling in shorts on the sunny court. The peacocks were plump and deeply blue.
As I got to Dallas Road, I spotted a bald eagle gliding in for a landing on the top of the Largest Totem Pole. I missed the actual landing -- a tree blocked my view -- but it was there in all it's regal glory as I popped around the tree.
The mountains were stunning today. The peaks were clearly visible, but there was a band of dense, bright white foggy clouds right across their middles. I've never seen a pattern like that and would love to try to paint it one day.
I also got the treat of seeing two hummingbirds having an aerial battle like two teeny jet fighters. I'm sure they were just playing but the manuevers were intricate and a delight to watch.
And if that wasn't enough, I returned home to notice that my daffodils are forming flowers! Several of the leaves aren't actually leaves; they're paler than the leaves and forming tiny pods on the top. I'll be checking them closer now, waiting for the moment of first bloom.