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Tuesday July 30, 2024

Another cool and rainy day and just like yesterday, I'm grateful for the cooler weather. I've been working much longer than I'd like lately, so I have a built in excuse to stay inside and write. Lots of writing prompts and keeping tabs on the new BLC workshop fills my day quite fully.

I did make it outside briefly to run a few errands but it was more of a quick trip to the drugstore and the briefest of glimpses at the flower beds at the Spaghetti Factory patio. They flowers are in good shape. Drip irrigation and (assuming) fertilizer sure helps.

It was nice to see the lawns get a soak with this rain. I appreciate how people here don't tend to huge lawns and don't water them either. When nature wakes the grass up it smells nice and fresh.

Cindy and I took a late afternoon stroll through Beacon Hill Park and back along Cook Street. It was one of those walks where everything was lovely but nothing stood out. I suppose the peacocks were memorable, since I don't often see a cock and hen together. A cruise ship (or two) are in town so the park was full of pedi-cabs, snapping photos of what I'm lucky enough to see every day. That's a privilege I don't want to ever take lightly.