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Tuesday September 3, 2024

All alone today, as Cindy is back to work. So I spent the morning re-learning my routine; journalling before coffee, showering before my Bakery Leadership Circle call, lunch before dishes and housecleaning. And then I set out for a good walk.

I went through James Bay before heading to Beacon Hill Park to sit and read for a bit. I found a sunny bench in near the sundial, then moved as several Canada geese aggressively surrounded me looking for treats. Yes, I was bullied by geese.

Anyway, the bench on the other side of the dial was even better and I spent a good few minutes studying the yellow dahlias in the flower beds. They are in peak bloom, medium tall stalks and four inch diameter blooms. There are a thousand petal folds in that tight blossom, at least.

Still lots of people in the park in mid-afternoon. School might have started but there are plenty of folks to keep the geese fed, the horse drawn carriages in business and the peacocks showing off.