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Wednesday August 21, 2024 - Saskatchewan

We went to Regina to visit family from August 15 - 25. Visiting family is fun but it means I wasn't keeping my online diary up to date. So this post was actually written in late September, from my extremely sketchy notes. I debated whether to fill in these gaps. I guess you know my decision now.

It was cloudy most of the day but it didn't really rain until suppertime, when we got a real prairie banger. Whenever the clouds broke it was +35C so we knew a thunderstorm was likely.

I was barbequing out back as it got darker and darker. When the rain started it came slowly, in huge heavy drops. The BBQ is under an eave so I tucked under it as well and stayed dry as I watched great streaks of lightning arc across the sky, just over the garage roof. Big thunder. I loved it all.

I love thunderstorms. Some folks find them terrifying, but I find them comforting, especially how after the most violent storm the skies clear quickly and you get the best, cool evenings. We don't get storms like that in Victoria and I miss them.

After ten minutes or so, the rain got heavier, so I proclaimed the meat was fully cooked, gathered it up and retreated inside. I had my fun, at last.