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Wednesday July 10, 2024

Stamp meeting in the morning and then the second Euro semi-final at noon, so there wasn't much nature at all until very late in the day. We walked through Beacon Hill Park, stopping to watch a flock of baby ducklings paddle across the pond, then along Dallas Road to Cook Street.

It was a beautiful evening. The heat wave is starting to break, with the evenings cooling off considerably. Good news for people and non-people as well. I had to wear a long sleeved shirt for the first time all week.

The highlight of the walk was seeing a pea-hen with a little one, walking up the steps of Shenanigan's Bookstore on Cook Street! So cool. There are peacocks all around Beacon Hill but I've never seen them in the business areas.

Mama peacock and a little one, in front of Shenanigans bookstore on Cook Street, Victoria BC

Books for birds