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Weeknote: February 11 - 18, 2025

Argh. It's been a strange week. Cindy hurt her back mid-week, and my head has been in a bad space, so we've really stuck around home for the most part. I've pretty much just popped out to run a few errands most days and haven't made any notes for writing in the diary.

On Wednesday, I did make the trek up to Cedar Hill for the stamp meetup, which was good. The sun was out and it was crisp and frosty, so I stepped off the bus early and walked through Oaklands, soaking up the sun as I went.

frosty grass and long shadows in Shakespeare Park, with mountains in the distance

Thursday started off warm and sunny but by the afternoon it clouded over and was downright cold. I got a lift up to a meeting at a house on Ten Mile Point which had some nice views over the water to Sidney, but it was a gloomy meeting and a gloomy ride and bus home. And from there, the gloom continued inside.

We did make it out for a short, slow walk on Sunday, in the drizzle, for a late lunch at Irish Times, but beyond that I stayed indoors. So that means it's time for a garden update.

My friend the ruby-capped kinglet came by for another visit in the daffodil pot. And speaking of daffodils, I have three that are oh, so close to blooming!

update on my daffodil pot, with three flowers just about to open!