A few of the dozens of people who have already received a gift basket this year!
Back in February we launched our annual True Friends Contest, where we gave away three pass along gift baskets.
The way the contest works is that the winners can enjoy a basket full of bread and goodies then pass it along to their best friend, who can bring the basket back to the bakery for a free refill. The baskets can get passed along from best friend to best friend for an entire year.
That's how it works, but the point of the contest is to celebrate friendships. We love how the baskets give the lucky holders a chance to give a cool gift to their best friend, for free.
We really hope the baskets get used a lot. We're hoping to set a new record this year by filling over 100 baskets. And so far, we're right on track. At last count we've filled over 45 baskets. That's a lot of happy friends.
Most of the time we see the baskets two or three times per week, although, sadly, one basket has gone missing for quite a few weeks now. We hope it comes back for a visit soon.
When a basket comes back, we ask for a picture of the lucky friend for our Wall of Fame. We're adding pictures all the time - check it out next time you're at Orange Boot!