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Have you heard of this iPhone thingy?

Not sure if it made the local paper but those kooky funsters at Apple have announced a new cellphony/music player/web surfer thingy. It got a little bit of press on cable.

Honestly, I was worried that I would end up as the only blogger who didn't post about the iPhone announcement. But then I couldn't figure out how to market the fact that I didn't post about iPhone without posting about iPhone. It started to make my head hurt. I'm glad that's finally been resolved.

What I found most interesting was how the CEO of Cingular got skewered for being such a poor presenter. I guess style matters, at least when you're on the stage with the Grand Master himself, Steve Jobs. I'll be watching my own executive's performances with a new set of filters from here on out.

Some links:

iPhone announcement (

Steve Jobs is a Great Presenter (Presentation Zen)

And the Cingular CEO isn't (Presentation Zen)