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How to Meditate with a Golden Retriever

I have wanted to meditate for several years now. My thinking is getting more and more scattered, and my self talk more and more negative. So better relaxation and focus could really help.

But the Resistance is large with this. It's as if it knows that better calm and focus will make its destructive job harder. So I thought about it but never started.

Last week I went for my regular long walk around Wascana Lake and listened to the audio of "Real Happiness" by Sharon Salzburg and for whatever reason it got me jazzed to try again. (The reason: it's a 4 week program so there's actual things to do. Oh do I need prompts!) So I've made a 20 minute meditation session part of my routine.

First thing in the morning I get up, feed the animals, let them outside, then head downstairs for my meditation time. My back's too tight to sit cross legged for 20 minutes, so I lie on the floor instead.

Just lie there and focus on my breathing. Start thinking about work? Go back to breathing. Relationships? Back to breathing. Past failures and future worries? Breathing. The fact that my back still hurts? Breathing.

Then Buddy, our 10 year old golden retriever, barks to come inside. Breathe. Bark! Breathe. BARK!

Ok, I'm coming.

Back downstairs, and back to breathing. Now he's beside me. He wants me to pet him. Just breath. He inches closer, (breathe), closer, (breathe), closer, until he's leaning against my right arm and chest. Now I'm breathing while petting him.

It worked! He's gone now. Back to breathing.

And he's back with a toy. Plop. He drops it beside me. Breathe. Plop. He drops it closer. Breathe. Keep breathing and throw the toy. Bud's a golden retriever but he doesn't retrieve. He's got his own Muse.

But this time he retrieves! Breathe. He's back with the toy. Breathe. He lies down with his toy. Ahh...breathe. Across my feet. Breathe.

Ding! Time's up. Good session today, Bud. I'm feeling relaxed, focused and strong.

Same time tomorrow?