I know, I know. It's only been two days since I moaned about streaming services killing the album in favour of singles. And then this popped up on my Tidal feed this morning:

Cat Power Sings Dylan: The 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert
This is ridiculously good. Cat Power does the entire set list from this iconic concert, just like The Great Man. The first act is acoustic; slow, quiet, powerful. The second act is electric; soulful, rocking, joyous. Played live as well. The only difference is the crowd is cheering in the second act.
I've listened to the bootleg of the 1966 show dozens of times and I love it. But this version is brilliant. Dare I say better? No, but it's 8pm as I write this and I've listened to this album four times through already. It's exactly what I needed today.
I'm ashamed to say that I don't really know Cat Power and her music. But with this album, I'm an instant fan.