Every Saturday morning when I'm rounding burger buns, my mind drifts off to all the other bakers like me who are at the bench, at the same time, making their daily bread. Tracey and Trent are baking their bread up in Saskatoon. Yvan's likely shaping his seeded rye about now. Peter is an hour further along in Michigan. And a dozen bakers are loading their fresh loaves into trucks and heading off to the Ferry Station in San Francisco after baking all night.
We (the bakers of the Bread Bakers Guild of America) want you to be part of this community of traditional bread baking across North America. So every year, we organize a Guild Wide Open House. Guild members across Canada and the USA open their bakeries for tours, classes, tastings and the like. It's a chance for you to see up close how your bread is made and meet the people who make it.
Now, the Guild is a lovely group, and have helped me immensely. Guild members are funny, knowledgeable, friendly and great at parties. But most of them are American. Which explains why the real Guild Wide Open house is on June 29, right at the start of the Canada Day long weekend. That's not going to fly in Regina, so we've bumped ours up one week. The Orange Boot Open House is on Saturday, June 22, from 12 noon - 4PM.
We will be offering tours of our little bakery. Come see how hot the oven really is and how much flour can fit in the mixer
We'll answer your questions about bread and baking as best we can. Maybe we can troubleshoot a problem you're having at home
We'll be having samples and tastings throughout the day
James and Marin from Salayview Farm will be here to share their amazing goat cheese story between 11 and 1
Michelle from Zee Bee Honey will show you first hand how her honey goes great with our bread. She'll drop by after the Farmer's Market closes at 1PM.
It's going to be a lot of fun. I hope you're able to come visit. And the best part? Hopefully you have so much fun at our Open House on the 22nd that we can help you find a US bakery to visit on the 29th!