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Rise Up! #172 - Don't Farm on Rented Land

rise up podcast cover art announcing episode 172

In a move that should surprise no one, the social media giants have done it again. Changes at Instagram, the platform beloved by so many bakeries and local small businesses, have made it more difficult to reach the audiences that you've worked so hard to develop.

When will we stop 'farming on rented land'? What changes when invite customers into a conversation, rather than merely advertise to them? And what changes when we do this on platforms that we own and control?

In this episode of the Rise Up! podcast, I make my case for owning your platforms, whether it's owning your own bakery space (difficult) or your marketing "home base" (not nearly as difficult.)

And there's plenty of space at the end for you to ask questions and continue the conversation, by emailing me directly (reach out at mark at riseuppod dot com) or on the forums at Bakers4Bakers