Photo by Leo Gong, via [NPR](https://npr.org/)
Today we bring Season 4 of Rise Up! to a close with a true Renaissance man, Peter Reinhart.
Peter’s First Act was as a baker, learning to bake in a co-op kitchen in Boston before moving to California to start Brother Juniper’s Bakery.

This book that got me started baking bread!
His Second Act is as a teacher and author, teaching at Johnson and Wales University in Charlotte, NC and writing book after book on his two loves, bread and pizza.
Peter continues to surf from trend to trend, whether it’s predicting the Next Big Thing in artisan pizza or digging deep into the complexity of yeast and grain. But whatever his interests, Peter brings all of us along for the ride.
In this episode, we talk about Peter’s long and winding career as a baker, teacher and author. I learn all about Roman pizza, the Pizza Expo in Vegas, and Peter’s On The Rise bread symposium coming up in June. We also talk about the future of culinary schools in North America. All while I try my best to not be a complete fanboy.
You can hear the show via your favourite podcast player, from the Rise Up! show page, or using the handy player below. ( Note: the player doesn’t travel well in email.)