Photo via [Real Bread Ireland](https://realbreadireland.org/portfolio/riot-rye-bakery/)
Rise Up! goes overseas this week, to Cloughjordan, Ireland where I talk with Joe Fitzmaurice of Riot Rye.
Cloughjordan is a small eco-village outside Dublin that is all about pushing the limits of sustainable living and Joe and his partner Julie are pushing the limits of local, sustainable bread baking.
But this isn’t Joe and Julie’s first bakery - Joe’s family history is filled with bakers and restaurateurs and they ran a successful bakery in Dublin before moving to the country, building a brick oven, baking for their new village and training the next wave of local bakers.
I learned a ton during our talk. About life in an intentional community, how Soda Bread is a rather new 'tradition', what the Common Loaf movement is all about and how if Joe ends up baking less and less bread then he's truly fulfilled his vision.
We wind all over the place, like an old Irish river. You’re really going to like this talk!
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