We want to give everyone advance notice that Orange Boot Bakery is closing from August 2 - August 15 for summer vacation. Orange Boot staff is dispersing across the country:
- Patti is flying home to New Brunswick to visit her folks
- Teisha is heading back to Calgary to complete her Baking and Pastry Arts program at SAIT.
- Heather is quite possibly heading to PEI to visit her grandparents
There is still time to stock up on bread and other baking to get you through the start of August. Call us (584-BOOT) or email if you want us to work up a care package for you!
And what of Mark, Cindy, Ben and Robyn? Our visitors are coming to us! We are excited to host Ms. Yuko Sakumai, a 15 year old student from Fujioka, Japan. Yuko is coming with 24 other students as part of the Regina Fujioka Student Exchange Program to learn about Canadian culture and practice their English. Robyn will be heading to Fujioka next summer to complete the exchange cycle. Ben was part of the last exchange cycle so we know it'll be a great 10 days this August.
Never fear though -- we'll still be thinking about bread, sweets and all the yummy things we can make for you this fall. And of course, we'll be thinking of all our friends who come say hi every week as they get some wheaty, gluteny sustenance at Orange Boot Bakery.