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Sunday Special: Gratitude

Sundays usually find me leaning toward melancholy.

I bake my bread on Saturday, then Cindy and I have our date night / burger night, then I usually fall in a heap in bed by 9pm or so. Another week done.

By Sunday, I'm either getting caught up with things I missed during the week, putting the final touches on the Right Company newsletter, or preparing for the week ahead. It feels disjointed, tense and a little rushed.

This week's been different, however. I took the week off from baking and was focused on getting my other work done early each day.

And a strange thing happened. There was room in my day for gratitude to creep in.

It started slowly. I started feeling extra good by Tuesday. On Thursday I was recognizing the feeling for what it was: gratitude. And by Friday I the feeling was so clear I started making lists of all the things I was grateful for.

Here's a partial list, with real names because, well, they deserve it.

  • My daughter Robyn, who sees so clearly for someone so young and is simply unwilling to compromise her identity;

  • Thank you Sarah for telling me how much the podcast means to you. Your energy created a dozen more ideas of how to take the show even further;

  • Thank you Rebecca, for listening, for sharing, for caring and for always putting our friendship at the top of the list;

  • Vince, Cindy and Shannon, independently but in total alignment, for helping me work through my tunnel vision and see that there are always more options;

  • Alexis at Mr. Rooter, for not only unplugging my sewer line, but for a great chat about Croatia, football, Nanaimo and 'spinning lamb';

  • My altMBA coach buddies for keeping WhatsApp pinging with joy, excitement and support. And Emily specifically for organizing a new way to stay connected with you amazing humans;

  • Sue, for speaking the words that I felt but could not articulate;

  • John the barber, for always having Al-Jazeera on the TV, reminding me that there is a whole world out there beyond the white folks.

  • And Bernadette, for supporting me and cheering me on, in addition to sharing the saddest story I've heard in a long time.

Like I said, it's been a good week. But you know what? Every week’s been a good week. It's just that this week, I made the effort to listen.

I'm so excited for this coming week. I've got my listening ears on.

My wish for you is that you'll take the time this week to listen as well.

Who are you grateful for?

Who brings you joy?

How will you tell them?