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Thursday August 29, 2024

It was a warm, sunny day today so after my morning calls and a light lunch, Cindy and I went for a long walk along Dallas Road. We got to the water via Beacon Hill Park, where the weather was cool enough for a dozen turtles to get out on the two sunbathing logs and warm up, before it got too hot and they headed back under water.

We headed east past Clover point and along Ross Bay, checking out the ships in the strait and several sunbathers and swimmers in the water. The water was fairly calm and very clear, but there weren't too many people in the water. I suspect all the warning signs about bacterial pollution in the water put the swimmers off. More and more, these areas are nice to look at but icky below the surface.

Cin had an appointment back downtown, so we turned back at the far side of Ross Bay cemetary and tracked toward home along Fairfield Road. We spotted the ubiquitous deer grazing in the cemetary and the ever-present Garnet and Elanna leaving a bakery on Moss Street. We had a good visit before we parted ways on Blanshard Street.

I gave the balcony garden a good water when I got home as the forecast is for a warm weekend. The gazanias are blooming, the tomatoes have their first blush of colour (for real!) and I even picked two pea pods from the very small vines. It might be too warm this summer for the second planting of peas.