It was a long day editing a podcast, but by late afternoon I set out for a walk. I made a medium loop around James Bay, checking out the book boxes without success, before heading through Beacon Hill Park from the south.
I took a path I rarely use and stumbled across a pea-hen with three little ones. They were small adolescents, all feeding on the grass. They were still small enough that the mother was very protective, and walked directly toward me, at pace, when I stopped to snap a picture. I expressed my gentle intentions but she was having none of it, so I clicked twice, quickly, and moved on my way.
I stopped for two more flower pictures. My friend Vince says that I should really start collecting flowers on stamps since I admire gardens so much. Maybe I will!

Mama pea-hen and three little ones

I didn't know it until I checked - this is a gladiolus!

More lovely dahlias