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Wednesday September 11, 2024

My walking today was mainly down to poor bus connections. The fall schedule pulled the bus that I use to get to the Cedar Hill Rec Centre for the weekly stamp club coffee meetup. So I walked extra far to get to the bus, then extra far from the nearest bus stop. I pretty much walked half the distance and rode for half, but I got there on time which was the main thing.

It was a cool, dark and drizzly morning, but it wasn't drizzling too much that I needed an umbrella. Long pants and a sweater were enough. It was fun walking down the residential streets between Hillside and Finlayson, looking at the flowers and greenery.

Everyone at the club was talking about the approach of winter, but honestly, it was the first cooler day in several weeks and we have a good long flower season still to come. My gazanias are still blooming, the cosmos is happy and more and more tomatoes are turning colour. It's a fun time of year to go walkabout.