Lisa Somerville proves that persistence pays off. While working as a waitress, she kept on asking questions until her chef hired her in the kitchen. And her ongoing curiosity kept her moving to new restaurants and elegant country hotels.
But there’s a special attraction to doing your own thing and in 2010 Lisa and her husband opened Vintage Baking Company in Glen, New Hampshire, right in the heart of the White Mountains.
In this episode of Rise Up!, we talk about all of that and more. I learn a bit about the New Hampshire tourist scene, admire Lisa’s tenacity in making her bakery work for her and the community and marvel at Lisa’s energy as she balances raising two young daughters, teaching part time and keeping the bakery humming along.
There’s a lot going on in Lisa’s life and in our conversation too!
You can listen to this episode on your favourite podcast app (including Spotify!), from the show page or using the handy audio player below (here if you’re reading this on email.) Enjoy!